This is one of the sophisticated equipments which is used for diagnosis and treatment of Heart and Vascular diseases. The detailed study of the Chambers,valves,Coronary arteries and blood flow details of the heart and other blood vessels are visualized with this equipment.As a treatment device, this equipment is used for Balloon Angioplasty for removing obstruction and dilating heart valves and occluded Coronary arteries - A procedure to avoid surgeries in suitable cases.
This is one of the latest generation C. T. Scan from Siemens, Germany, and is highly sophisticated and can do studies of whole body-bone as well as soft tissues with excellent clarity and diagnostic accuracy
This is the latest in this series and first in Telangana. In addition to the ordinary Echo Cardiogram studies which mainly show the muscles and valves of the Heart and its movements, the Doppler gives Blood flows details also. With the Colour Doppler, in addition to the above mentioned facilities the actual directions and quantities of the blood flow can be mapped, thereby in many cases the costly Cardiac, Catheterization can be avoided.
To test the functional efficiency of heart